понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

arthur cartoon games

With only one original match on tap for this week, we get a recap of the New Waveapos;s ascension to the top of the tag team ranks. First off, their recent pinfall victory over the Devilapos;s Rejects...then the win over Talent Money and finally the championship victory over the NWA Elite.

Now we get the buildup to the six-man tag...we see the finish to Iceberg vs. Ace Rockwell and the aftermath...

Shadow Jackson, Ace Rockwell, Salvatore Rinauro vs. Heavyweight Champion Iceberg, Azrael, Shaun Tempers(w/ Dan Wilson): As Rockwell makes his entrance, Chad Parham and Seth Delay jump him at ringside. Shadow and Rinauro run out but the damage has been done...Azrael throws Jackson into the ring to officially start the matchup as a three-on-two affair. Shadow does well against Azrael and then Tempers before tagging in Sal. The good guys stick-and-move, attempting to prevent tags...but Tempers cuts off a springboard move to put Rinauro in trouble. Iceberg didnapos;t tag in against Shadow but does tag in against Sal, putting off the inevitable confrontation. The Rejects focus on Rinauroapos;s arm and Iceberg shows some rare technical acumen with a hammerlock slam. Sal fires off a jumping enzuigiri out of nowhere on Iceberg and tags in Shadow Jackson...they square off, but Azrael and Tempers had the ref tied up so he didnapos;t see the tag. The Rejects turn up the pressure on Rinauro, but Sal hits a Stunner on Azrael out of nowhere. However, Dan Wilson distracts Shadow outside the ring and that lures him into a cheapshot by Iceberg. Back in the ring, Rinauro pulls off the Ninja kick on Azrael...but thereapos;s no one to tag with Shadow down on the outside. Suddenly, Rockwell runs back out to his corner and Sal makes the tag to Ace Rockwellapos;s a house afire, but heapos;s still hurting and the Rejects triple-team him. Rockwell fights out of the corner in dramatic fashion...and makes the hot tag to Shadow Jackson Shadowapos;s a house afire...Azrael and Tempers again prevent the showdown with Iceberg but Sal clears out the underlings and takes out Tempers with a plancha. Shadow whips Azrael into Iceberg and finishes Azrael with the 1031 spinebuster...and the championship rivals have another staredown with the referee brigade interceding...

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fry food store

Tomorrow I will fly out of Taylor and spend the afternoon running some errands in Boise. I am really hoping my car doesnapos;t cause any problems.

Tuesday, I fly to Albuquerque to attend a conference on Environmental Information Management. I will do that for the rest of the week, then have the weekend and a few extra days leave to visit family in Los Alamos.

I also plan to check an empty cooler on my flight and fill it up in Albuquerque with frozen green chile. I donapos;t know if I will get hassled about this. I emailed some questions to the airline (Frontier), but didnapos;t hear anything back.

The last few days I have mostly been puppysitting--keeping the newly-arrived 13-week old puppy (Kea) from chewing the furniture, chewing electrical cords, chewing me, etc. The best way to handle her is to give her three long walks a day and wear her out so much that she sleeps in between.

That is all.

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fox and the stork

I have to say that the Adam Khoo Workshop certainly did wonders for many of us.
13 solid hours of training for three days and whoapos;s complaining? I didnapos;t think it was a waste of time or was it boring and stupid. In fact, it helped us think and get to know more about ourselves. Yes, there was learning skills and all the other things about studying. But what I truly benefited from the programme was the part where we learn to love ourselves and to love our parents as well.
Teenagers being crazily rebellious and like to think that apos;we know it allapos; is all part of a process of our life and the workshop certainly did help us to understand why we think that way and how our parents feel about us.

Last night was one emotional night for all of us. Parents were invited for the closing ceremony and one by one, schoolmates went up there in front of a large group of people, to tell and express their love for their parents. I know I cried badly and so did many others. My parents didnapos;t come due to some meeting they had and I regret that they didnapos;t. But what made me cry was the power of love we all witnessed. People I knew who acted tough in school actually went up there, broke down and cried. For that, I admired their courage and I was so proud of them. There were others who probably had problems talking to their parents and when they went up there, they said words deep down from their heart and after that, they had a reunion. This is what I call: Family love. I never did regret going for the workshop and Iapos;m so glad I did.

So being one crazy emotional tearful last night, I had a painful headache and my eyes hurt a lot. Right now, one eye of mine is still a little swollen and yes, its crazy. I cried till I couldnapos;t even cry anymore. How sad is that?

Monday, Tuesday is a half day for us and Iapos;m going out :)

Love, zoe.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

capital district real estate

De voetbalkooi aan de Bestevaer in Huizen blijft. Dat is de conclusie na een akoestisch onderzoek. Oplossingen voor de overlast zijn ondermeer het plaatsen van een geluidsscherm op de erfgrens van de woningen of een scherm rond het sportveld.

Vanaf het begin hebben de omwonenden geklaagd over geluidsoverlast en zij zien dan ook het liefst dat de kooi wordt verplaatst wordt. Dit voor de gemeente geen optie. Locaties naast de Silverdome of de Wolfskamer zijn niet haalbaar.

Wel wilde BW deze openbare sportlocatie deze zomer eerder op slot doen. Om acht uur in plaats van tien. Hiervoor heeft de gemeente 650 euro per maand gereserveerd.
(bron radio 6FM)

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celtic symbol of eternal love

Iapos;d love to burn tokikake to an actual DVD to show it to Holly (as the prospect of sitting in front of my computer doesnapos;t really appeal to her and I donapos;t want to figure out the nightmare of getting good sound in the living room from the computer using the TV as an out)

Whatapos;s the easiest way to burn a high quality AVI file to a DVD, making it playable on any standard player?

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cp810e m

Weight: 149 lbs ...wow. Iapos;m surprised itapos;s still there. I ate so much I figured I have to be carrying food weight.

Food: Letapos;s just say I ate alot. Before I went to sleep I hate McDonaldapos;s. Those retards got my order wrong so I ended up with fewer calories than I intended. I still donapos;t want�to look it up tho. After I got up I�ate candy...about 400 calories worth. I took FBs with the McDapos;s, but I ate fat free candy so I figure itapos;s useless to take any.

Exercise: Nay. I just donapos;t feel up to it. I know I need it and I cannot afford to be a lazy ass...especially with McDonaldapos;s sitting in my body rotting away.

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Its been three days since my arrival back home. Been packing my stuffs�for the past two days. Its a lil heart wrenching Ive got�to say to be back home. Not that I dun�love my home but I realized I love�my home in Wildwoods even more.�Brainwashed? Im not really sure about that. All I know was that I truly enjoyed myself during the stay in NJ.

Pictures from NY...
First day...

Second Day...

Awwww...I miss all the good food especially the bread pudding. I love NY

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