пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

address by email name search

Iapos;m Diane de Arden from Aethelmearc and this community is a wonderful idea For some reason none of the other fiber arts communities have really caught my fancy.

I spin with drop spindle and wheel, weave with my four harness table loom, embroider, dye, knit, sew, fingerloop, braid, lucet, card, comb, and dabble in other things. I love to teach fiber arts basics (give me two weeks and I can teach just about anything) to others and watch them take off with something they love.

My current long term fiber arts project is spinning and weaving the garters from page 143 of Textiles and Clothing 1150-1450, most likely without the fringe. Iapos;m wheel spinning the first set from a brown merino cross (not absolutely sure what the sheep is but itapos;s lovely wool) to just see if I can do it.

I got into spinning and dyeing to make a silk embroidered purse from scratch before I realized that the silk would have been reeled. Silk reeling is on my list of things to learn to do someday... When my daughter is a bit older.
address by email name search, address by email number phone, address by email number phone search, address by email people.

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